Tuesday, 2 December 2014

That tiny lil' fear..

When I woke up this morning, out of the blue, I got a text message from my close friend, she's thin and tall. She asked me about a very common question that people always asked me, it's about eating habits. This is some of the common questions that I always been asked :

How to control your eating habits?
How could you survive by not eating at night? Some of my friends told me that they're the hungriest person ever at night.
How do you control your sugar crave?
How do you not to love foods Ameera? I love food guys, I am human remember?
How do you keep your spirits high and routinely do workout?

First and foremost, I didn't expect I will get a question from thin person like her, but you know women nowadays eager to look thin and when it comes to 1 additional kg, it does mean that we need to do something about this 1 kg of weight. Sounds crazy, but that's really happening to women nowadays, most of us I believe. I think that fear is good. Most of the fat people didn't have this kind of fear, that's why.

So I told my friend that I eat right. When I said I eat right, it means I eat healthy food, in the right time, in the right amount, in the right portion and by using the right hand. Okay the last one is not the necessary tips, but as Muslims we use right hand to eat, it's Sunnah! By the right amount I mean is, I eat in small portion like 3/4 of the medium sized plate and I will stop eating immediately when I am full.

Then I explained about the foods I eat, basically I eat a lot of fruits and veggies, not a lot like two or three times per day, it's like a lot A LOT LOT (1 kg of oranges I can finish in 2 days, and like 1 kg of bananas I can finish them like two or three days with eating an apple every day) So some people asked me about snacks I took daily, then simply I answer, fruits.

I eat rice like almost every day, I am Asian so rice is our staple food. Asian can't live without rice, but I didn't eat rice at night. It means after 7 to 8 p.m. When I am hungry, I preferred to eat fruits, crackers, whole gained bread or just drink a glass of milk. It makes you feel not hungry, but not full. Better than starving. At least you didn't die right? Okay, joking.

Yes, undeniably, at the beginning you will feel that you're going to die starving at night, but trust me, after 21 days it will become your habit. Yeah, quite long, but the benefits are worth for a lifetime. Hold your horses guys, trust me, it does work. Your mind will get used to it and your mind will tell your stomach that you are not hungry and no food needed at this moment. 

Next, I told her about not eating sugary food every day, it is so dangerous since sugar can lead to cancer, diabetes mellitus, or even obesity. Sugar is the major problem to most of us since every food that have a lot of sugar in it like cakes, apam balik, cendol, strawberry milkshake are finger-lickin good right? Hands down.

 It is hard to avoid eating sugar Ameera do you understand me? Yes, I do.

I have this one friend that having a sweet tooth like almost every single day, she's fat. So I advise her to stop eating sugary food and she loses almost 10 kg guys within 3 months, trust me. Once you make it as your routine, it will become your habit. Try to avoid sugar, not totally stop eating it, but slowly reducing your amount of consumption is more than enough.

The next thing I tell her about the workout, for sure. She used to jog almost every day when she is studying in University, but now she has finished her studies and she has no time to jogging like she used to do. So that's the major factor too, not doing exercises. So I advise her to do a cardio workout at home, not too long just 15 minutes is more than enough, I always do this workout guys, check this out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HJcmTCKGqY  . This is an intense cardio workout yet so effective. Every time I did this workout I will perspiring a lot. It means that it does work! For those who are so busy with works, studies and stuff, try to do the short, intense workout it helps to lose weight, for sure, to increase metabolism, to make you sweat and it makes you feel overbold! Especially for those who are always feel jaded like all the time, yes, this is the answer. 

That's it! Nothing is going overboard, everything is so basic and super easy. It depends on you whether you want to do it or not. Hopefully this very humble tippytoes of mine are helpful for my friend and for all of my readers too! Thanks for reading until the end :)

Oh by the way, today I didn't do any workout because I have to finalise my visa for this year a.k.a my final year. I get so excited, can't wait to finish my studies. Now I need a very deep sleep for my routine workout tomorrow and for a better day! hehe. Life is so amazing when we do not have any commitment in it, like to study every day, to go to work or to settle some assignments and the topper is when you're on holiday! It feels like AHHHHHHHH...

This picture was taken when I'm in Rome. This place is so amazing, it is called  The Circus Maximus.  I miss Rome so bad. 

Only God knows how much I love the holiday! Until next time!


  1. Thanks docameera for sharing your thoughts and what you know! I hope your day from now on; fulls with positive vibes ☺.Thanks again! Am gonna come again here soon..i will; inshaAllah

  2. My pleasure and thank you so much for reading my blog.

  3. My pleasure and thank you so much for reading my blog.
